
2024 Cundill History Prize Jury announced as record year for submissions closes

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2023 Winner

Red Memory: Living, Remembering and Forgetting China’s Cultural Revolution

Tania Branigan | Faber & Faber (UK), W. W. Norton (US)

“Haunting and memorable, Tania Branigan’s sensitive study of the impact of the Cultural Revolution on the lives and psyches of an entire generation in China affected every juror, as it will every reader. All of us found ourselves unable to stop thinking about this extraordinary book. All of us were deeply moved by the trauma she so vividly describes and by the skills on which she drew in doing so. This is a must-read.”
Philippa Levine, 2023 Chair of the Jury


An indelible exploration of the Cultural Revolution and how it shapes China today, Tania Branigan's Red Memory uncovers forty years of silence through the rarely heard stories of individuals who lived through Mao’s decade of madness.

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